Michael | Senior fitter - Zauner Karriere
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Michael | Senior fitter

Portrait of a Zauner HeroGet to know Michael ...

I am Michael Mauthner, senior fitter/construction manager at District Heating and have been with Zaunergroup since May 2020.

Our questions to Michael ...

What does a typical day look like for you? What are your tasks?

Mondays are usually the more stressful day, when new workers come to the site I have to train them and do the safety briefing, then schedule all the other workers. Meeting with the customer and contractor on what the schedule is for the upcoming week. Material and tool orders. Since I have all the driver’s licenses, I still drive the tractor and the Hiab (crane) myself and do the pipe transports. Since I also have the IWS (welding master), I also do the quality supervision and welding supervision, where the pressure tests are also part of it. During the day I drive the whole lots, because we work on several sections, and check if everything fits. In the evening, we always discuss whether everything fits, whether there have been any major incidents, and whether anyone needs anything.


Why did you choose ZAUNER as your employer?

After it no longer fit at my last employer after 14 years, the logical conclusion was that I come to the Zauner company. And since I know the Zauner family and many other colleagues well, I was welcomed with open arms and immediately felt at home.

What do you like most about your job?

The variety, working outdoors, always meeting new people, seeing different places or countries. And the confidence you get when everything fits on the construction site.


What opportunities does ZAUNER offer you as an employer?

A lot of opportunities, you can talk about everything, further training is encouraged (I’m currently doing my truck driver’s license). There is also enough time for the family and you always get time off when you need it.


For what reason would you recommend ZAUNER as an employer?

Because Zauner is a very social and competent company. And because the company is active in various fields of activity and there is certainly something for everyone who is interested in this work.


At ZAUNER, all employees are heroes. What is your superpower?

I am very dedicated, very flexible, bring a great knowledge for this job, but I think my biggest superpower is that I am extremely good with people, my colleagues like to work with and for me – which the HR office can confirm. 😉

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